Account temporarily ON HOLD.
Services will be resumed after COVID Lockdowns have been fully lifted!
Services will be resumed after COVID Lockdowns have been fully lifted!
The right to use images on this site cannot be
transferred by/to anyone without the written consent of the copyright holder
(Me). If you’ve taken/received photographs without written permission for their
use, it is your responsibility to secure licensing rights before using them. As
a rule of thumb, a good way to avoid any misunderstandings is to contact the
photographer (Me) before passing along photographs. You should also advise the
party receiving the images to contact the photographer directly to secure a
license granting permission for their use. Any copying, reproduction,
distribution, public display or creation of derivative works of images without
specific permission from the photographer is a violation of Federal copyright
law. Simply having physical possession of photographs, slides, prints,
transparencies or digital files does not grant the right to use them.
A LICENSE is a legal agreement granting permission to
exercise specified rights to a work.
A COPYRIGHT is a collection of exclusive rights owned
by the creator that controls the use of creative works.
Under the Copyright Act of 1976 and the Berne
Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, photographs
automatically receive copyright protection immediately upon their creation.
Absence of a copyright notice does not relieve a prospective user from the
responsibility of obtaining permission from the copyright holder. In addition,
altering or removing a copyright notice can result in liability under the
Copyright Act and several other state and federal statutes.